Game 1 Final Assignment - 2024 20% |
Criteria: Build from scratch and demonstrate these features in a Gamesalad file. Features: 1. 0% Name the file with your last name underscore first name, underscore "final". (eg. ouellette_daniel_final) 2. 1% Create an actor called MYNAME to display your name in the upper left area of the screen. White Text on clear background. 4. 1% Create actor called GROUND to act as the ground or a wall. It must NOT be moveable and have NO BOUNCE. 5. 3% Create actor called HERO that initially falls from the sky and when on the ground will move left when LEFT arrow key is pressed 6. 3% Add animation to HERO in motion as well as an image for still position. Create or find artwork for animation. 7. 1% WRAP scene's X and Y to allow objects exiting scene to re-enter on opposite side. 8. 3% Generate spawned actors as shooting Ammo when X key is pressed. 9. 1% Make a moving actor called TARGET which will add to the score when it is hit with Ammo. It will wrap in the scene. 10. 1% Set up the TARGET to make a sound and disappear when it collides with the Ammo. 11. 1% Apply animation to actor called TARGET. Create or find artwork for animation. 12. 3% Create an actor called SCORE and apply it on screen to display the score which increases by 1 every time the Ammo collides with a TARGET. 13. 1% Put SCORE on its own layer above the game. 14. 1% Jump to a new scene based on a score of 3.
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